Friday 28 August 2009

Nonconformist - noun [C] - someone who lives and thinks in a way which is different from other peopleI

I'm all for rules and regulations, don't get me wrong - society would slip into chaos and anarchy if it were not for the laws and morals of our land. And it is only right that such laws, rules and regulations should be brought into being in a fair and democratic way.

But deep down I am a bit of a nonconformest and pedantic about silly wee rules which seem totally uneccessary. An example, which I should probably not be harping on about in the public domain, came about yesterday when I got into work. My job, as I see it, is to build up a relationship of trust and understanding with the folks who use our service, and the best way for me to do this is to just make them a cuppa and sit and chat with them. Sounds like a cushy job, eh?!

So, folk began to trickle into the office last night and I stuck the kettle on. Yes, they have a tea making point in the room they use for the computer and TV, but I'm a polite Highland lass who was raised to put the kettle on as soon as a visitor arrived! There was no 'Ye'll have had your tea then!' in our house! I opened the cupboard .... and was horrified to see 2 coffee jars with white, handwritten labels on them. One was a cheaper supermarket own brand coffee - it had Service Users written on it. The other was Nescafe Gold Blend (other quality coffee brands are available!) and had Staff written on it. You can probably hazard a gues as to how conforming I was making coffee for everyone last night!

Our company really knows how to valued the individuals it provides a service to. Or am I just getting a bee in my bonnet over a trivial matter?

Oh, and if I get sacked for blogging this, will someone else employ me ... pretty please??

Thursday 16 July 2009

This and that

I'm warning you now .... I am not in bestest form! I know I have many things to be thankful for and I truly am grateful for the blessings in my life ... but I have hormones and they are not conducive to good form at this precise moment!

Let's pause to take in the sunset over the Firth of Lorn in Argyll!

We had a wonderful break at Mum and Dad's - the weather was on the whole fantastic, though the downpours were spectacular! Charis had great fun at the beach and Niamh enjoyed sitting in the waves too! There is something very serene about being surrounded by hills and sea - I don't get that when I come home, which has probably contributed to my mood! I should be glad to be home, happy ... but that is not what is manifesting itself at the moment!

Ok, before I completely put you off, I'll hook you in with a shot of little Miss Blue Eyes, taken at Kingsmills Park!

Oh this is bad!!! I'm arguing with Charis about a stupid toy cat! What is wrong with me? Poor children having to put up with a grump like me! I was fine until an hour ago - almost had Niamh asleep (she is one nightmare of a baby to get to sleep - don't let those little blues deceive you!) and Charis came through crying. Wide awake baby + crying 4 year old = grumpy Mummy! 'Someone' had tipped bronze metallic paint into her 'favourite' craft pot and she couldn't stick her bits on to the card she was making! So, grumpy though I now was, I painstakingly washed the paint off tiny jewels and 'sparkles', gave them back to her, washed the bathroom ... and 5 minutes later she came through with a card covered in glitter ... not jewels ... not 'sparkles' ... glitter! *sighs*

Ah, let's pause this rant to admire Loch Ruthven and Charis fishing for tadpoles below!

Anyway - we go on holiday to Ballater in a couple of days, so could someone please come and slap me out of this! Thank you!

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Tagged! And you're next!

I was tagged by my dear blogging buddy, Kyooty over at Kyooty center - go check her out, she's a brilliant lass!

It's 10am, a beautiful sunny day outside, Charis is sleeping (sighs) and Niamh is working her way through some sweetcorn crisps, so I have maybe 20 minutes of peace!

The rules:

1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.

2. Tag other people.


Here goes .....

What is your current obsession? My daughters!

What are you wearing today? My rather dashing pink, spotty nightie at the moment, jeans and T-shirt later and sandals

What’s for dinner? Chicken curry and rice - that reminds me - must take the chicken out the freezer! Don't let me forget!

What would you eat for your last meal? Oh, so many things to choose from! It would probably be spaghetti in some form!

What are you listening to right now? Niamh banging the floor (I'm sure the neighbour is delighted with that, but given she was shouting and swearing at another neighbour at 11.30pm last night, waking and scaring Charis, I'm not that bothered!), Peppa Pig on the TV (Charis is now up!) and birds singing in the distance.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Oh, that's a tricky one ... NOT ... our beach, Petani Beach, on the Greek island of Kephalonia. *sighs*

Which language do you want to learn? Gaelic - I have a smattering, but Charis starts Gaelic school nursery after the Summer, I'd best get the hang of it!

What do you love most about where you currently live? Ummmm, it's near the A82 which takes me back to Argyll!

What style is your current home decorated in? Style?? With two children under 4?? Lol!

If you were a time traveler what era would you live in? Hmmmm, I think I'd go way into the future in the hope that nations and society had got their act together and actually care for each other!

What is your favorite color? Turquoise

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? My skirts, which I don't wear often enough!

What were you doing ten years ago? 1999? Having a nightmare managing the Sheltered Housing Project - challenging staff! I wasn't even married then, or going out with Andrew!

If you had £300 now, what would you spend it on? A night away in a luxery hotel, probably Pittodrie House Hotel in Inverurie!

What are you going to do after this? Considering this has already taken an hour and 15 minutes, throw the lunch together for Charis to go to nursery, then try and find the place where Mairianne is working to see the Health Visitor - Niamh has a funny sticky out bit at her ribs!

What are your favorite films? Mama Mia! Any decent sci-fi. The Underworld series.

Your favorite books? I love anything by Matthew Reilly, Diana Gabaldon, Kathy Reichs, etc. Also love the Left Behind Series.

Do you collect anything? Mess and chaos .... want some??

What makes you follow a blog? I like blogs where the author has something of interest to say, or where I know the author!

What was the most enjoyable thing you did today? Put the new clothes that I bought the girls yesterday on them!

Ann's Question:
What makes you comment on a blog? If I feel I have something to add to what has been said, or if I have a thought sparked off by it.

Amy's Question:
What is your favorite thing to do when you have some free time? Sleep!

Anissa's Question:
As you know I homeschool -- If you could would you? If I had the discipline and capabilities, most definately!

Do you agree with homeschooling? Absolutely!

Tonya's Question:
What is a talent you wished you had? I wish I had stuck at the violin and gone on to be gifted at it!

Mary's Question:
If you could be any other animal other then Human, what would you be? I'd be a cat - they just don't care do they? I'd probably be a lioness!

Where, who or what fills you with perfect peace and contentment?



Gail at A Curious Girl's Guide to Life

Hel at Dogwithnobrain

Missy at Missy's blog

OK Everyone TAG you're it!

Wednesday 24 June 2009

There, but for the grace of God, go I

I am blessed. No ... really ... I am!

I have fantastic parents and siblings ... a lovely extended family ... a dear man who, after some arm twisting (just joking, darling!), married me ... two incredibly beautiful and bright daughters ... and some very genuine friends. All of which makes my life feel full and so complete.

And then there is my work.

When I moved away from Oban in 1994, it was to work as a dental nurse, but, after 8 years working in a great practice, I took bad to the new boss and working environment. So, despite my lack of qualifications, I applied for a job in an alcohol rehabilitation unit, and was over the moon to be offered the post. I've been all round the houses, in the job's sense and in my personal life, since I left the rehab in 1999, but it was to that client group, the one I most felt at home with that I returned to a couple of months into my pregnancy with Niamh. After over a year as a relief member of staff, working in both Beechwood House in the Designated Place (where individuals are brought in intoxicated) and in Cale House, the supported accommodation (14 single and double flats for men and women who were previously homeless). In April I was given a permanent contract for Cale House - it breaks my heart being away from the girls, but I do enjoy my job and feel I can at least attempt to make a difference.

This evening I watched a programme, 'Famous, Rich and Homeless' on BBC1. 5 famous folk volunteer to swap their life of priveladge and comfort for the world of the homeless individual. Tennis star Annabel Croft, comedian and writer Hardeep Singh Kohli, journalist and writer Rosie Boycott, actor Bruce Jones and the Marquis of Blandford all took part, though the Marquis didn't once sleep rough and gave up - his attitude, quite frankly, was disgusting and downright disrespectful to the men and women who have to live their life in this way.

Let me tell you about them. I have changed names and circumstances to protect confidentiality.

Spence grew up in Glasgow, his parents were alcoholics, his father abused him and he'd been on the streets for 16 years when I met him. He was intelligent, artistic, creative ... he couldn't sleep in a bed and moved his bedclothes to the corner of his room to sleep. He was a great conversationalist, and made a real impression on all who met him. He couldn't cope with living in a 'normal' home and in the end opted to go back to sleeping rough.

Gina came from a respectable, well-to-do family, but ran with a wild crowd and left home at 16. Her family were distraught but unable to reach her. She was a bright woman, caring, thoughtful with a brilliant sense of humour! When I met her she had come from an abusive relationship and her 3 young children were in care. She refused contact with her family initially but eventually built bridges with them and her children, regaining her confidence and self esteem.

Kenny came from a close knit family, and had a delightful elderly mother who still tried to keep tabs on him. He drank heavily and smoked weed, we never did reach the bottom of his reasons. He was a lovely guy, though had an air of saddness about him, but he suffered dreadful paranoia and hallucinations because he smoked so much cannabis. He died an early death.

I could tell you about so many more. Each with their own story to tell as to how they ended up homeless. When I sit with them, chat with them, I see you, I see me - any one of us could hit a point in our lives where for one reason or another we could hit rock bottom and lose all that we previously had.

Let me ask you something. How often do you see a begger on the street and avoid eye contact, walk briskley by and pray they don't speak to you? I know I have. And that ashames me.

I wonder when our society will get a grip and finally decide to address the issues that lead to these men and women seeing no way out but to live rough, to turn to drink or drugs just to get themselves through each moment of each day? Society forgets that everyone, regardless of environment or home circumstances, has dreams, needs, wants, hopes and aspirations. Society likes to pigeon hole everyone.

Anyhoo, the next time you see someone begging on the street, please take 5 minutes out of your busy day to buy them a sandwich or a cuppa. I'm not saying that your wee act of kindness will always be met with gratitude, but you never know the day that your smile, your kind word will be the saving grace to that man or that woman.